Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Trent Green Says He'll Be Back

Nobody knows Trent Green's physical condition better than Green himself. But yesterday during his radio show on WQAM, Green told Hank Goldberg he wants to return to the field sometime this season. Just the fact that Green wants to come back makes you wonder if he already has brain damage.

Seriously, what does Green hope to accomplish with a comeback? The Dolphins are going nowhere this season. One more blow to the head and Green's brain could turn into scrambled eggs. As a fan of the Dolphins, I would hope Cam Cameron and the Dolphins organization does the right thing and not put Green back on the field. It's just not worth it. I admire Green's competitiveness and his love for the game he's played since he was a young boy. Sometimes it's tough to let go. But what's more important--playing football or living a normal life? I hope for Green's sake, he makes the right decision.


  1. First Move: Let Culpepper Compete for the position.
    Second:Get Brady Quinn.
    Third: Play Ginn Jr. More.
    Fourth:Let go of Chambers for draft pick.
    Fifth:Give a new contract to Welker.
    Sixth:If Culpepepper still sux, after a couple of games, let Harrington have the starting position, and throw all the rookies in there.

  2. They need to play Beck NOW! He is getting old already. Did you hear what Dan Marino said on HBO? He said that he would have traded Jason Taylor.

  3. fawzy should be gm. the dolphins might go 10 years losing every game. looks like the dolphins won't play green. don't know how that affect him and his contract. the more i think about trading chamber the more i think it was a bad move. the dolphins can't draft so when you hear a player has been traded for a draft pick (no matter how high) you have to be scared of who they will get. during the offseason they should have asked for chambers to take a pay cut and make him the second option. they should bring in a veteran... there are a lot of those out there.
