Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Rock Gives Back To The U

Dwayne Johnson During his UM Days

Before he became a pro wrestler and a movie star, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a backup defensive tackle for the University of Miami Hurricanes during the early 1990s. He spent most of his college football career playing behind Warren Sapp in anonymity. But today The Rock takes a back seat to nobody. His latest movie "The Game Plan" was the top grossing film at the box office, raking in $23 million.

The Rock may be a superstar. But Dwayne Johnson hasn't forgotten his roots. Yesterday, Johnson returned to UM to donate $1 million to the football program. The Rock and his wife Dany Garcia Johnson met while they were students at UM and still maintain a home in Davie. According to UM head coach Randy Shannon, the money will be used to help renovate the weight room facilities for all UM athletes.

It's refreshing to hear fame hasn't gone to Johnson's head. Just imagine if every superstar Cane athlete gave back to the program that helped them become famous. In a world where people gain fame for having no talent (Paris Hilton). It's great to see a person like Johnson who came from humble beginnings make it big and never forget where he came from.

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