Monday, September 3, 2007

In Cameron We Trust?

Cam Cameron

For all of us Dolphin fans still traumatized by the two years of Nick Saban, there's still lingering effects that may be clouding our judgement. If you believe what you read from Miami Herald Dolphin beat writer Armando Salguero, new head coach Cam Cameron has supposedly told owner Wayne Huizenga the Dolphins are a playoff team. Salguero has even predicted the Dolphins will go 10-6. But is anyone really buying these predictions?

So far the best thing about Cam Cameron is that he's not Nick Saban. After two years of the napoleonic dictator at the helm, I'm having a difficult time believing anything that comes out of the Dolphins organization But how can a team with 13 rookies on the roster be a playoff contender? There's a word for this--Rebuilding. Nobody in the organization wants to say it. Certainly veterans Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor don't want to hear it. But it's reality and I think most Dolphin fans have come to terms with it.

Look, I'm willing to be patient. We've now gone 5 consecutive seasons without making the playoffs. We've thrown away two second-round picks for the likes of A.J. Feeley and Daunte Culpepper. Visions of Ricky Williams puffing on Mother Nature and Dave Wannstedt looking like he's choking on a ham sandwich on the sidelines just can't escape my mind. Yes, I've been Sabanized.

But my question is what would make Cameron make those statements to H. Wayne? Did he actually make those statements? It just doesn't make any sense. If he did make those statements, does Huizenga actually believe Cameron? Can Ted Ginn and his family please tell me everything is going to be alright? Can any of our 10 draft picks from Hawaii run through enough dry wall to right this ship? Apparently, only Cam Cameron knows.

1 comment:

  1. Spamers are attacking your comment box! You better ask blogger how you can prevent that. But anyway, as far as Cameron, this is all I'm gonna say, "Brady Quinn better not win no motherfucking superbowl before the Miami Dolphins!"
